School has started!
Finally, after two months with holiday, I'm back in business! Today was my first day at Bergen Bible-school, and I look forward to the year ahead of me. It'll be good to gain knowledge and wisdom concerning my God and Father and his Kingdom, and get to know all the people in my class. We are 35 students from 18 to 50 years old, an interesting group!
Noralv Askeland started the day with these words from the proverbs: "My child, listen to me and treasure my instructions. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure.."
I have also moved into my apartment together with Silje and Hanne Marie. Great!!
-Man, he's cute!
It is Saturday afternoon, I'm at my sister's watching cricket on TV, yes, I feel like an Englishman. Well, I just wanted you to see another gorgeous picture of my nephew, who's now 19 days old.
And for everyone's interest, I am now in my second year of blogging. First post was published August 2nd 2004!
Auntie Eva in action!
How I love being an auntie! I enjoy myself here in Coventry, England together with Nick, Silje, Eden and Mattias. They (especially Eden and Mattias) are beautiful beyond description, more beautiful than the impression one gets from the pictures. I have already change my niece and nephew's diaper, and Mattias showed his appreciation by pooping and farting while I was in action... An interesting experience! Eden is trying hard to call everyone by name, she is still struggling with "morfar" (grandpa), so she just calls him "mormor" (grandma)...
(I do not manage to post two pictures in one post yet..)
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Eden and I playing
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