Tuesday, August 23, 2005

School has started!

Finally, after two months with holiday, I'm back in business! Today was my first day at Bergen Bible-school, and I look forward to the year ahead of me. It'll be good to gain knowledge and wisdom concerning my God and Father and his Kingdom, and get to know all the people in my class. We are 35 students from 18 to 50 years old, an interesting group!

Noralv Askeland started the day with these words from the proverbs: "My child, listen to me and treasure my instructions. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure.."

I have also moved into my apartment together with Silje and Hanne Marie. Great!!


At 25/8/05 23:12, Blogger Silje said...

still think you would be better off over in the promised land of UK. Hehe...
We love and miss you, but pray this will be an amazing, challenging, life changing and educational year! You're definately in a good place for that.
Lots of love from Nick, SIlje, Eden and Tias.

At 28/8/05 01:16, Blogger stinemadelen said...

have a great year at school! get close to the heart of God! love you alot alot alot

At 29/8/05 16:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ja ev, no er vi ikke elever lengre men studenter:P det har eg fått banket inn på skolen i dag;) hehe.. lenge siden det er blitt slengt på en kommentar her:) Fin leilighet dere har forresten.. Veldig koselig:) kjekt med film kveld her hinn dagen, også fikk eg jaggu hilse på håkon:) hehe... snakkes babe..

At 29/8/05 19:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe.. Ja, dn flyttingen tar si tid;)

At 4/9/05 23:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Benny seie bare hei!
Husk å stemma mandag 12. september. Forøvrig så hørre eg at det går drit med det kollektivet du bor i.... Ja, ja ikkje rart, spør du meg...........

Storebror ;-)


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