Saturday, March 26, 2005

Back in the States

After almost two years I'm finally back in the United States of America! I've been here a week now, and has still four days to come. So far I've been to Grand Rapids visiting Silje Veslemo/y and her friends up there, and now I'm in St.Charles, where I used to live. Yesterday Kaitie, Ben, Lars, Anna, Benny and the USA team (except Kristine) went down-town Chicago - beautiful! Today I'm going to hang out with some friends who I went to school with, and later have a girls gathering at church.

Well. That's just an update for you guys. See you!
PS. I'm glad to hear that Silje Skagen, Melody and Kari have gotten their own blog now! (you can give me some credit for Melody's and Silje's..)


At 27/3/05 21:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Har det ogsaa bra i statene. gleder meg til aa se deg igjen, eva. mamma og pappa og alle andre ogsaa!

klem fra sunniva

At 29/3/05 15:09, Blogger james said...

Found another '18' song, by an R'n'B singer called Mario. It'll go nicely with Alice Cooper

At 30/3/05 05:13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya this is joseph high 5 was great meeting you guys when you were up in grand rapids with the team i was down town chicago the same day you guys were sweet.
say high to glen sunni and my good chum oister we started the gap today and you fly out tomorrow so have a safe trip back to lovly norway

At 30/3/05 10:49, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heihei!! Så bra at du har det så bra og gøy i USA. Kjekt å være tilbake kan jeg tenke meg ..
Ser du har lagt ut feil link til bloggen min. Min adresse er:
All the best
Klemmer fra Kari

At 4/4/05 08:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Just wanted to comment something so. Yeah.. That is cool that you guys had fun over there. Yippie.


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