Monday, January 31, 2005

Isn't she beautiful?

As I promised you all: here is my favourite picture of my gorgeous niece Eden Louise Howes. Posted by Hello

In addition, I have to mention that our Norwegian handball-guys won the most amazing world cup-game against former Olympic- and Worldchampions, Croatia, 28 to 25. It was fantastic to watch our national team! I'm speechless... I hope you all got the chance to watch it, and if not: you missed the best game EVER played by the Norwegian handball-team. One can compare it to Norway's win against Brazil in Soccer.

Tomorrow we'll meet our Swedish neighbours.


At 3/2/05 11:17, Blogger Sunniva Erlandsen said...

det var jammen et fint bilde av eden.. det ser ut til at du må hjelpe meg med å få bilder ut på bloggen min også.

At 5/2/05 05:55, Blogger Freddy said...

Du verden, du verden! Ser man det du!
Helt knall! Denne Blogen er ingen tvil en sikker andreplass hos min Blog-rangering.
Skal si at det har begynt å ta seg opp, bilder og ny design, men snart kan du få fetere design! (helt gratis ja!) Stå på Eva Mari! Gleder meg til å lære deg litt mer om blogen og dets funksjoner :) Kos deg!


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