Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Having fun... :)

Tonight I spent some time with my good friend Silje. I have known her since I moved to Bergen, but we have never lived as close to each other as we do now. Together with her family she moved to my neighborhood half a year ago, and it is a true privilege to be able to spend so much time with her. We meet every Monday to do homework together (which normally ends up with talking and praying...), and are also in the same Jesus-group. It is now winter holliday and we are off school, so today we did not even think about homework but went for a walk, drank my lovely coffee, and ate toast, almond and raisins! Before she had to go home we decided to take a picture and post it on my blog. So that is what I am doing now! She had to go, but asked me to dedicate this post to her and tell the rest of the world that she is a brilliant girl with a great sense of humour.. I agree, and give thanks to my Lord for his beautiful gift to me!Posted by Hello


At 23/2/05 00:48, Blogger stinemadelen said...

hej eva beva!!!
jeg skal hvere i saint louise fra 12-21 tror jeg.....kommer du den 22??? saa domt!!jeg skal se om han kan ringe deg aa sunni, aa kjekke om tillatelse!!! snakkis makkis

At 23/2/05 01:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you... These past four months have really been a blast, much thanks to you, obviously... :) I always look forward to our monday meetings, especially since we get sooo much done..hehe... ;) And your coffee really is lovely, I'll have to agree. :)
Anyway, you're so great, I'm so blessed to have a friend like you!! By the way, I see you've made some needed additions to your blog, after our little talk today...good... ;) Love ya

- Silje :) -

At 1/3/05 17:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enig med deg om hvor bra Silje er! Gøy at dere koser dere sammen! Lykke til videre med leksene (!!) og lekingen, mine to fantastiske venner;)


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