And now back to Norway
Arrived my beautiful home in Bergen today at 12 o'clock, 15 hours after leaving St.Charles. The jurney went by fast, although I didn't sleep at all (looking forward to this evening).. I had a great time in America, a bit short but better than nothing. Anyway, I don't feel like sharing exciting experiences right now. If you have any questions you are free to ask, but I have to do homework now!
Have fun!
Back in the States
After almost two years I'm finally back in the United States of America! I've been here a week now, and has still four days to come. So far I've been to Grand Rapids visiting Silje Veslemo/y and her friends up there, and now I'm in St.Charles, where I used to live. Yesterday Kaitie, Ben, Lars, Anna, Benny and the USA team (except Kristine) went down-town Chicago - beautiful! Today I'm going to hang out with some friends who I went to school with, and later have a girls gathering at church.
Well. That's just an update for you guys. See you!
PS. I'm glad to hear that Silje Skagen, Melody and Kari have gotten their own blog now! (you can give me some credit for Melody's and Silje's..)
The day after tomorrow I'm going to the USA. I can hardly wait for the two weeks ahead of me. Finally, after years, I will see my family (host) and friends in St.Charles, and my dear friend Silje Veslemøy in Grand Rapids. Together with Anna, Ben-David, Glenn-Roger, Øystein, Sunniva and Kristine, I'm going by plane at Friday morning (6.45am). You will probably not hear from me in a while, but I can promise you that I'm having a great time. The week after I return from the States I'm going to France with students from school. I retured from Oslo this past Saturday after a week in Norway's beautiful capital, so I can really say that I'm blessed with great days all around the world these days.
The only disadvantage about me travelling, is the school work that needs to be done when I'm home. That's why I can't write more on my blog, I have LOADS of homework that needs to be done before I leave.
Wish you all a great Easter holiday.
Thank you Jesus for your holy sacrifice, so that we now can live in fellowship with God everyday!
My beautiful mother is now 50 years old. She doesn't look that old, though! The picture of her is taken on Christmas Eve as she opens one of her gifts.. The decoration on her head shows how she makes a little extra out of every circumstance in life. Those who do not know my mum's crazy side, really has something to look forward to. She has a great sense of humour :) and is responsible for some of the funniest comments ever said in history! On top of that, she has a loving heart and a serving attitude.