Well, well...
It's been a while. The election didn't go as I hoped, however, it is not the end of the world!
Lately I've been occupied with school work, hanging out with friends and planning the new years festival 05/06! It has been great. I hung out with a friend from primary school this past Sunday, who I haven't met in a year.
I must give my thoughts to Tina, who's boyfriend André, left for the army on Sunday...
God is good, and I'll try to post more often!
Election-day in Norway...
Today is a very interesting and important day for our nation. We are to decide who's going to represent the population at the parliament. It is a very close race between the sitting government and a socialist coalition. In just a couple of minutes I'm heading towards RÅ SKOLE, where I will give my vote to Kristelig Folkeparti (literary translated: "the Christian People Party"!) I hope today's government will continue the next four-year period, so it will be exciting to see the results tonight or tomorrow morning.
On Saturday I went to the movietheatre together with my dear friend Tina (pictured above) and saw "the Island". An interesting movie, I think I liked it!
PS. I didn't have time to write more about my parents last post, but I assure you: I love them dearly :)
Without mum and dad...
After living on my own for three weeks now, I have noticed some of the good parts 'bout living with your parents. The most important fact, is that I lack the opportunity of being online and blog...