Sunday, July 10, 2005

Template changes...

As you may have noticed on the right hand side on my blog-page, I have divided the links to my friends' blogs into four: Family, Blogspot, Other, Blogspirit. This is my way of showing everyone who uses blogspirit that I appreciate "blogspot" and "other" before blogspirit (since they're the last blogs mentioned). And of course; I have such a wise family who does not choose blogspirit, and therefore I gladly decided to put them first on my list...

Love you all :)


At 10/7/05 20:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ehremm, may I ask why you have a grudge on Blogspirit? :)

Anyways, I hope you are fine, you don't know me, i don't know you, but we love the same God, the same Jesus, and I hope your summer is super!

See ya!

At 11/7/05 00:23, Blogger Joacim said...

Blogspot er bra!

At 11/7/05 01:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liker ikke helt denne inndelingen i grupper..tenk på individer!! Hehe..må briefe litt med det lille jeg har fått med meg av politikk-greier!! Jaja!! Snakkes imorgen Du er kul :)

At 11/7/05 04:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, another blog I will be adding to my reading list! :) I just followed the link from Mathias' blog and here I am. So yeah, hej, and God Bless!

At 11/7/05 10:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're smart!

At 11/7/05 15:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heeey. Bergen, respect. jag har nyss flyttat hit. jag är bror till mathias @ blogspirit. okej, ja, men jo, ha det så bra.

At 11/7/05 20:59, Blogger james said...

You are mad if you think blogspot is better than blogspirit; just look at how easy it is to put up pictures and links on a blogspirit template!

At 13/7/05 13:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

god tur Eva:) kos deg på nok en reise. så snakkes vi når du kommer hjem!! da må vi finne på noe..:) God ferie videre..

At 13/7/05 22:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.k..... jeg gikk fra blogspot til blogspirit både pga mulighet til å vise bilder og fordi du ikke trenger å presse alt inn på en enkelt side... Så hvorfor blogspot? Greit, jeg liker designet til blogspot bedre, men det stopper med det. Hvorfor er blogspot best?

At 15/7/05 00:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually had a blog at blogspot first, but I didn't like it, so I changed to spirit, hah. No prob though, I love all bloggers... I've started to think that Typepad has a smart blogging system, so let's see if I change soon again..

Yes, I live in Finland. I have some aquaintances in Kristent Fellesskap, so I hope to visit there some day :)

My brother is attending Levende Ord bibelskole next year, and some other really good friends also. We had a couple of people there this past year too, so Bergen is quite close at heart with us here in Filadelfia Helsinki. I'm leaning more towards Kristent Felleskap, so let's see what follows...


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