Thursday, May 05, 2005

Partying in Kongeparken!

Tomorrow morning I'll drive to Stavanger (or close by), to one of the greatest "russe"-festivals in Norway. Together with thousands of other "russ" we will party all night long... For those of you who pray: please pray for protection for everyone participating, and for everyone who drives (that includes me!). Also pray for the Christians, that other people will see Jesus through us. We're going to hand out buns and cakes, and pray for sick people, whatever God tells us to do :) Thanks for prayers!

To all of you (whether you pray or not!): God loves you and sent his only Son, so that you can know God.


At 5/5/05 12:09, Blogger Jostein said...

Ha en riktig god tur

At 5/5/05 12:27, Blogger Joacim said...

Have a nice trip!
Be strong!

At 5/5/05 18:38, Blogger Sunniva Erlandsen said...

Woho! Snakka med Rita i går, og hu sa at hu bler med på fotballen om halvaen uka! I tillegg e det tre andre så bler med nå på onsdag! Snakk om ekspansjon!

At 5/5/05 19:35, Blogger stinemadelen said...

That is soo cool!!! It was pretty interesting last year when I was there... preach Crist and Him crucified!!! Lord I pray that your hand will be over Eva and the other people. Have your way Lord in every situation. Love you alot Eva!!!!!

At 5/5/05 23:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow.. I will pray for Big-sis. I will pray that God will use you for whatever he needs you guys to. I will pray that the cartrip will go good, that there will be NO comlications. I will pray for Gods protection over you guys. Have a nice trip. God is in you. And with God in you, nothing is impossible. So stay and be strong. Have the BEST TRIP EVER!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO

At 6/5/05 11:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6/5/05 11:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you will have a nice time in kongeparken, and learn people what you have learned in our cellgroup gatherings!!

At 7/5/05 21:10, Blogger Freddy said...

Eg bare sier det; Vær grei og ikke finn på noe sprell ;) Takk for besøket på BB, det satte vi enormt pris på...


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