Monday, April 17, 2006


A lot has happened since last time posting. Janne and Øystein got married on 8th of April. They looked beautiful, and the wedding was loads of fun! After the wedding Håkon and I left for Skien where we visited Håkons parents. During the two days at the eastern part of Norway, we went cross-country skiing, and I also got the opportunity to meet HÃ¥kon's grandparents and some aunts and uncles. Great people (and I think they liked me! Hehe)!

When we returned to Bergen, the annual Easter conference started. Silje P (who by the way turned 19 on Saturday), my very good friend, stayed with me for some days, great fun!We fellowshiped with with God and with each other - that's always encouraging :)

I also have to mention Henriette's birthday party on Friday. Yeah. We had fun. And my friends welcomed Håkon in a great way :) Thanks guys...


At 17/4/06 22:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was wonderful staying with you, the cakebaking being one of the most memorable parts of my stay.. ;) hehe... Speak to you soon my dear friend!:)

At 18/4/06 00:14, Blogger Lars Marius said...

Dette er første gang eg besøker siden din. Veldig stili... Håper du og Silje hadde det strålande.

At 18/4/06 19:15, Blogger Joacim said...

Hei, savner en link til siden min her. Var en der før, men ikke no lenger:P

At 19/4/06 16:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy easter.. Alittle late.. hehe..

At 20/4/06 11:36, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ein flott uke, eller helg er det vel snart.
Takk for god pizza Eva&Håkon =)

At 22/4/06 15:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hei babe.. veldig kjekt å treffe deg igjen. lenge siden sist.. på tide og finne på noe snart igjen:) tiden går for fort.. hehe.. Kjekt å treffe håkon og, virket veldig koselig:)god helg:)

At 24/4/06 21:01, Blogger Tina said...

hei eva min due! Du glemte å nevne kafè besøket vårt ;) .. ikke bra! :P søtt bilde av deg og din nevø.. :D! sees snart, hils go gutten din fra meg! :) stor koseklemmmmmmm

At 10/5/06 20:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey eva-jepp det var en utrolig bra tur jeg hadde til manchester!du og håkon må være med en gang.stay blessed.

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